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Linda Kotis and Ken Jefferson Write About Mann vs. U.S. Decision

March 24, 2021

IPB attorneys Linda Kotis and Ken Jefferson have written, "Mann Up! Accept that Your Gift of a Deconstructed House is Less than the Sum of Its Parts," for Steve Leimberg's Charitable Planning Newsletter

The article discusses Mann v. United States, 984 F.3d 317 (4th Cir. 2021), a decision which upheld a circuit court affirmation of a disallowed deduction for a charitable donation. To avoid similar situations, Kotis and Jefferson advise that, "when donating real estate, it is always necessary to follow local law applicable to real property transfers, provide a qualified appraisal to substantiate the deduction that conforms with the intended use and condition of the property, and confirm the charity’s characterization of the gift with the donee and one’s attorney or accountant.”

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