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Ivins Attorneys Speak at TEI New Orleans Chapter

November 27, 2012

Ivins Attorneys Speak at the Tax Executives Institute (TEI) Seminar:  Robert Stack, Rosina Barker, Alex Sadler and David Sherwood presented at the Tax Executives Institute Fall 2012 Seminar, New Orleans Chapter, on November 27, 2012, on the following topics:

  • FATCA and FBARs: What Non-Financial Foreign Entities (and their U.S. Affiliates) Need to Know (Robert Stack)
  • Sections 162(m) and 409A: Developments and Audit Issues (Rosina Barker)
  • The Research Credit: From Soup to Nuts (Alex Sadler)
  • Disclosing Uncertain Tax Positions from A to Z: Not Just Schedule UTP (David Sherwood)
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