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IPB Lawyers Talk Tax with Local Artists

April 8, 2022

Ivins, Phillips & Barker attorneys Benjamin L. Grosz, Jonathan L. Holbrook, and Harrison Richards gave a presentation entitled "Tax Strategies for Artists & Creatives," to an audience of local entrepreneurs in creative fields on March 15.  The session was hosted by Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts (WALA).  Benjamin Takis, Founding Attorney of Takis Nonprofit Law PLLC, co-presented with the IPB attorneys. The presentation aims to help those pursuing art as a business with understanding the relevant state and federal tax laws in order to avoid costly mistakes.

WALA's Creative Entrepreneur Series is supported by the Creative Affairs Office of the DC Government.

IPB has frequently partnered with WALA for similar information sessions, earlier this year Ben and Jon were nominated for its G. Hamilton Loeb Award for Pro Bono Excellence for their efforts. We are proud of the pro bono contributions of all of our attorneys.

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