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IPB Achieves Mansfield Certification Plus

May 5, 2022

Ivins, Phillips & Barker is pleased to announce that we have achieved Mansfield Certification Plus, as part of the inaugural class of firms taking part in Diversity Lab's Midsize Mansfield Rule program. The overall goal of the Midsize Mansfield Rule is to increase diversity in leadership pipelines within midsize law firms by broadening the pool of women lawyers, LGBTQ+ lawyers, lawyers with disabilities, and/or underrepresented racial and ethnic lawyers who are considered for entry-level and lateral attorney job openings, firm governance opportunities, equity partner promotions, and opportunities to connect with clients.

We began the program in September 2020, along with 25 other midsize firms, all committing to affirmatively consider at least 30 percent women lawyers, underrepresented racial and ethnic lawyers, LGBTQ+ lawyers, and lawyers with disabilities for hiring opportunities, leadership and governance roles, equity partner promotions, and formal client pitch opportunities. 

We were one of 16 firms in the cohort to receive Certification “Plus” status, which indicates that, in addition to meeting or exceeding the consideration requirements, the firms have successfully achieved 30 percent diverse representation in current leadership roles, formal client pitches, and staffing on key matters.

Read the press release from Diversity Labs.

Congratulations to our DEI Committee, firm leadership, and everyone who played a role in our success! We look forward to continuing in our efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion at IPB and in the legal profession, including continuing in the next iteration of the Midsize Mansfield Rule program.

An image of Arabella Mansfield and the text "Mansfield Certified Plus 2020-2022"

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