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IPB Attorneys Present on the Qualified Small Business Stock Exclusion at ABA Tax Conference

October 17, 2022

IPB associate Harrison Richards served as a panelist at the Closely Held Business committee of the American Bar Association Tax Section’s Fall Conference in Dallas, moderated by IPB counsel Kevin McGlinchey.  Harrison was joined on the panel by associates Brandon King (Wilson Sonsini) and Morgan Klinzing (Troutman Pepper). IPB partner Benjamin Grosz helped organize the program in his role as a Vice-Chair of the Tax Section’s Closely Held Business committee.

The panel discussed the promises and pitfalls of the Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) exclusion under section 1202, including tax planning, acquisitions, gifting, disqualifying redemptions, and recent legislative developments affecting the exclusion. The panel also included a Q&A session to help audience members better utilize the QSBS exclusion in their practices.

A copy of the presentation is available here.

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