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Ivins Attorneys Speak at FBA Tax Law Conference

February 28, 2014
Washington DC

Ivins, Phillips & Barker attorneys participated in the 38th Annual Tax Law Conference presented by the Federal Bar Association Section of Taxation in Washington, DC. This yearly event included sessions in employee benefits and executive compensation, domestic corporate tax, international tax, tax practice and procedure, tax accounting, and tax implications of the affordable care act.

Leslie J. Schneider (Panelist) - Procedural Considerations with Tangible Property Accounting Method Changes 

Robert H. Wellen (Panelist) - Affiliated Corporations and Consolidated Returns

Rosina B. Barker (Panelist) - Defense of Marriage Act

Alex E. Sadler (Panelist) - International Information Sharing and Enforcement 

Jonathan Zimmerman (Panelist) - Affordable Care Act


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