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IPB Attorneys Teach Tax Strategies for Artists

February 5, 2018

Benjamin L. Grosz and Jonathan L. Holbrook co-taught a tax strategies class as part of the “Business of the Arts – Professional Development Series,” a collaboration between Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts (WALA) and the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH). The program, entitled “Tax Strategies for Creative Entrepreneurs,” discussed tax fundamentals for individuals and small businesses, business entity selection, and tax reform issues. Mr. Grosz and Mr. Holbrook were joined on the program faculty by attorney Benjamin Takis (Founding Partner, Tax-Exempt Solutions, PLLC), who previously presented on this topic with Mr. Grosz. Ivins, Phillips & Barker is proud to support the pro bono efforts of our attorneys, in addition to our long-standing financial support of the D.C. Bar Foundation and the Legal Aid Society.

More information on the event can be found here. View the presentation.

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