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The Legal 500 Recognizes Ivins, Phillips & Barker as a Top US Firm

June 13, 2019

The Legal 500 has recognized IPB's Tax and Benefits & Compensation practices in its latest rankings of top US law firms. 

Our Tax practice is lauded as "'an excellent alternative to the Big 4 firms,'" and Jeff Moeller is noted for his "‘excellent judgement and is the go-to trusted advisor for US corporate tax.'"

Of our Benefits and Compensation practice, Legal 500 notes, "Clients rate Ivins, Phillips & Barker for its ‘deep experience and expertise in tax laws and regulations specific to employee benefits,'" remarking that Kevin O'Brien has "‘a wealth of knowledge and practical experience’ with issues including executive compensation, plan design, ERISA fiduciary compliance and hybrid plans," and that "Jodi Epstein is the name to note for qualified plan expertise."

The Legal 500 uses a team of lawyers and journalists to conduct several months of market research each year by practice area to provide an objective analysis of the US legal market.

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