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Ivins Attorneys Speak at Cincinnati TEI Seminar

September 19, 2011

Ivins attorneys Alex Sadler, Eric Fox, Les Schneider, Rosina Barker, Bob Stack, Josh Brady, Jonathan Zimmerman, and John Bates presented on a variety of federal income tax topics at a full-day seminar for the Cincinnati Chapter of the Tax Executives Institute in Columbus, Ohio on September 19, 2011. 

Specifically, Alex Sadler presented Establishing and Defending the Research Credit; Eric Fox and Alex Sadler presented Strategies for Audits and Appeals; Les Schneider presented Current Developments in Tax Accounting; Rosina Barker and Jonathan Zimmerman presented Hot Topics in Executive Compensation; Bob Stack and John Bates presented What U.S. Territoriality Might Mean for Your Company and Avoiding Tax Casualties in the Currency War; and Josh Brady presented Hot Topics in Subchapter C and Consolidated Returns

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