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Hank Gutman Chairs Panel at TCPI's 2020 Conference

February 14, 2020

IPB Counsel Hank Gutman moderated a panel entitled "The Future Role of the Corporate Income Tax," at the Tax Council Policy Institute's Hindsight is 2020: What the TCJA and Global Developments Tell Us About the Future of Tax conference on February 13 in Washington, DC.

Beth Bell, Tax Counsel, House Committee on Ways and Means; Mark Mazur, Robert C. Pozen Director, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center; Saul Rosen, Senior Tax Counsel, Citigroup; and Alan D. Viard, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute served as panelists for a  wide-ranging discussion centered on the real-world impact of business tax changes under the TCJA and what they might mean for domestic tax policy in future - particularly if a separate tax on corporate income will still be relevant in America’s changing economic and political climate.

The discussion, profiled in the February 14 edition of Tax Notes, included the benefits and drawbacks of a potential VAT. “A VAT raises a lot of money,” Hank noted. “That gives you a lot of room to move on the corporate side or on the individual side.”

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