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Hank Gutman Speaks to AICPA on the Tax Prospects of a Biden Presidency

July 22, 2020

IPB Counsel Hank Gutman spoke to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) 2020 Engage conference attendees this week, presenting "A Review of the Current Individual and Business Tax Proposals," and addressing potential tax changes in a prospective Biden administration.

The "trifecta" of a Democratic House, Senate, and White House would be necessary to enact meaningful tax changes, in Hank's view. But were that to happen, tax reforms could include increases in the individual tax rate, an elimination or reduction of the preferential treatment of capital gains, and changes related to wealth transfer.

Read more from Hank's speech in CNBC's "Here’s What a Biden Presidency Might Mean for Your Taxes", and contact us for further information.

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