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Linda Kotis Co-Presents at GWSCPA Nonprofit Symposium 2020

December 14, 2020

Linda Kotis is co-presenting with Judith Barnhard, CPA, CFP® CDFA®, Senior Vice President of Councilor Buchanan Mitchell, at today’s Greater Washington Society of CPAs Nonprofit Symposium:

“Planning to SECURE Charitable Gifts: How the SECURE Act Supports Donations of Retirement Assets"

The presentation will discuss the SECURE Act, effective January 1, 2020, which changed prior law affecting an individual’s retirement savings, RMDs, beneficiary designations, and choices between Roth and traditional accounts.  A primary feature is that the Act basically eliminates “Stretch IRA” planning. This is because most non-spousal beneficiaries must now receive all account assets and pay all income taxes within 10 years, rather than over the beneficiary’s lifetime.  These changes create new opportunities for estate planning and charitable giving, for lifetime gifts, fulfilling charitable pledges, and making testamentary bequests with retirement assets, and forming new charitable and noncharitable trusts.  Our presentation will educate nonprofit leaders and financial advisors on planning opportunities with retirement assets that will aid their development activities, planned giving efforts, and cultivation of donors.

The event page can be viewed here.

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