IPB Trusts & Estates Newsletter
PDFNovember 13, 2018
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In This Issue:
- Tax Law Changes May Trigger International Reporting Rules for Owners of Foreign Corporations - 2017 Tax Act may cause more foreign corporations to be classified as CFCs and likely change status of some U.S. persons to U.S. shareholders.
- Avoiding the Delaware Tax Trap - Inadvertent application of the Delaware tax trap could be disastrous, and state laws and trust provisions may help avoid this result.
- The Reset of DC's Estate Tax Exemption - The decoupling of DC's new $5.6 million exemption provides opportunities to lower tax liability.
- Update on Tax Reform 2.0 - Permanent extension of tax cuts and the introduction of new ones are in the mix.
- It is Never Too Early to Plan for the Certain Future - Inadequate celebrity plans and a bloody codicil offer lessons for getting one's affairs in order.
- IPB in the News